The proof is on the page.
If you want to know whether I have the creative chops, check-out my work. If you want to know whether that work gets results, check-out the results (they're mixed in with the work). If you want to know whether I can command a room, meet me and invite ten others. Because talk is cheap. It's the work that counts.
Lead by His example.
Everybody claims to lead by example. But whose example are they following? Yes, I come in early, stay late, and refuse to deliver work that I'm not intensely proud of. But it's who I follow—Jesus Christ—that makes me different. Everyday I strive to live with the compassion, humility, and honesty he expects. Transfer that into the work place and co-workers become friends, respect becomes contagious, and criticism always comes out constructive.
I solve problems.
As a Writer AND Designer, I don't default to either one. Instead, I’m asking the bigger question: what’s the smartest way to solve our client’s problem? Sometimes it's the perfect line. Sometimes it's no words at all. Often times, it's bigger than both.
I don't kiss butt.
I kick butt.
I consider it part of my job to challenge the strategy, critique the creative, and even disagree with the powers that be (very, very politely) if I think it will make our work better. I don't care about hidden agendas or egos (including my own). I care about doing kick butt work for kick butt clients. Period.
(Did I over-do-it with the "Period"? It sounded cool in my head.)
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